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We are a responsive pro-active boutique law firm.

Provide legal training, support, advice and advocacy attributing to fair rules, good governance, justice and sustainable peace in Cambodia, ASIA community and the world at large.

Assist and protect lawful interests of clients and investors without any discrimination. Provide and promote alternative disputes resolution (ADR) services such commercial or labor disputes settlement negotiation, conciliation or arbitration. Provide opportunities for law students/graduates and student lawyers to gain legal research and advocacy knowledge .

Approaches Respect

We actively listen to the views and concerns of our clients, partners and beneficiaries and respect their values and belief, while offering our humble and professional legal support and advice.


Once problems presented to us, our approach to solving them is that we strongly believe every problem has its own solution.


While we focus on delivering acceptable and long-lasting solutions to our clients’ concerns and issues, our discussion, actions and decisions are always guided by ethical consideration and adherence.